The Outreach Program Empowering Communities

at home and abroad

Empowering You to Make a Difference

We have found that people like to roll up their sleeves and do something practical to make the world a better place. Here’s how you can help:

our water filtration and purification system

Empowering People and Communities.

Kerry Fixing Water Dispensor
Kerry Standing
Kerry Working
Kerry's Son in law fits pipe
New water machine

Kerry’s Story

When Kerry’s brother passed away in 2022, he knew that he wanted to do something profound and impactful to honor his brother’s memory. Kerry learned about our project to provide clean water to Primary School students in Tanzania and knew that this was a way that he could honor his brother and create a lasting impact for hundreds of children. He, along with his son-in-law, set about raising money to sponsor a water system. In January of 2023, Kerry traveled with The Outreach Program to Tanzania to install the water system. One year to the day after his brother passed away, Kerry helped install a water system in Kisuluiga Village at the Maelu Primary School and provided over 1,100 Students access to clean water.

Local Impact

Food insecurity and hunger are obstacles that threaten physical and mental health, academic achievement, and economic productivity in the United States. That’s why 95% of our packaged meals stay in the USA and are distributed to the people most in need through food banks, nonprofits, and churches. 

Global Impact

Since our founding, we have:

  • Distributed over 842 million meals worldwide
  • Built the Gunda secondary school and two children’s centers
  • Fed over 1,200 kids each school day
  • Implemented 75 clean water systems
  • Created a Porta-Doc to provide medical care to rural Tanzanian villages



At least 14 million children suffer from severe acute malnutrition around the world. The lack of nutritious meals prevents individuals and communities from reaching their full potential. We are dedicated to ending hunger and food insecurity globally and in the U.S.


Clean Water

Water is the basis of life. Readily available clean water allows people to spend less time and energy on getting water and more on work and education. Each of our Water Point Systems provides up to three gallons of clean water per minute, supporting up to 600 people per day. 


Medical Care

Medical care improves lifespan, dramatically improves infant mortality, and decreases preventable diseases. The Outreach Program strives to bring much-needed medical care to rural villages in Tanzania through portable medical units.



Education is the final step towards empowering people and enriching their lives that can only come once a person’s other basic needs are met. The Outreach Program works diligently to help children get an education through children’s centers, schools, and assistance programs to provide items like school uniforms.