Providing Clean Water Systems to Global Communities – The Outreach Program

Our Clean Water Promise

We promise to assist schools and communities we serve with the ability to provide potable water to students, staff, and community members.

our water filtration and purification system

Primary School Project

The Mkalama District is home to 96 primary schools with nearly 70,000 students from Pre-K to 8th grade. Our mission is to install a WaterPoint system into all primary schools and give students, staff members, and their communities access to safe water. 

In many schools, the student-to-teacher ratio can be as high as 100:1. If a student misses a day of classes due to waterborne illness, they miss out on all of the knowledge that they would have gained that day. Many of the schools don’t have textbooks, the students listen to the teachers lecture and take notes. If students are not in class, it is not possible for them to catch up. Now imagine that they miss a week of classes as they are suffering from Typhoid, or Cholera. When they finally return to school, there is little hope that they can catch back up. 

When students reach the end of Primary School, they take a national standardized test to determine if they qualify for secondary school. About 60% of students in Tanzania pass this test and have the opportunity to continue their education. The other 40% cannot continue  with their formal education and have to find a way to make a living.

By installing a WaterPoint system in the schools, and helping the children stay healthy and attend school, we can increase their chances of continuing their education and building a prosperous life for themselves. The headmaster at Iambi School, which received one of our systems in 2022, said, “It is amazing. Our children do not get sick from bad water!”

You can help us fulfill this mission to provide schools with clean water by donating or sponsoring a WaterPoint system today! For the price of a single cup of coffee, you can provide a student with access to clean water for an entire year!

Kerry Fixing Water Dispensor
Kerry Standing
Kerry Working
Kerry's Son in law fits pipe
New water machine

Kerry’s Story

When Kerry’s brother passed away in 2022, he knew that he wanted to do something profound and impactful to honor his brother’s memory. Kerry learned about our project to provide clean water to Primary School students in Tanzania and knew that this was a way that he could honor his brother and create a lasting impact for hundreds of children. He, along with his son in law, set about raising money to sponsor a water system, and in January of 2023, traveled with The Outreach Program to Tanzania to install the water system. 1 year to the day after his brother passed away, Kerry helped install a water system in Kisuluiga Village at the Maelu Primary School and provided over 1,100 Students access to clean water.