“Just how many people can we feed from items created from The Burly Log?”
That was the question Rick McNary, our retired VP of Private & Public Partnerships for Outreach asked himself after a friend gave him this Siberian Elm full of burls.
“I have worked with wood for over thirty years and have a deep love for the beauty of all woods,” Rick says. “As a wood turner, the singular beauty of a burl is unparalleled and highly sought after. I often speak to people about the issue of hunger and challenge them to use their vocation, avocation or recreation as a means to solve hunger. As I gazed upon the tree in my trailer, I answered my own challenge: I want to see how many people I can feed with artistic creations from this tree.”
The first items offered from The Burly Log are a matching fountain pen/rollerball set. This is a ONE-OF-A-KIND set. There will NOT be another set made. If you are the successful bidder on this, you will receive a certificate of authenticity signed by Rick and our founders, Floyd and Kathy Hammer.
Here’s how this works:
- You can go to EBAY and bid on Rick’s site for these pens. Please notice that Rick has selected Outreach to receive 100% of the funds.
- The pen will go to the highest bidder.
- ALL of the proceeds go to Outreach.
- You will be able to deduct any amount above $100 (the base value of the set) off of your taxes
- Every dollar above the $100 will donate 4 nutritious Outreach meals at .25 cents a piece for the hungry
- You will receive acknowledgement for your donation above $100 as a qualified tax-deduction by the I.R.S.
Remember, you’re not only winning a beautiful, one-of-a-kind pen set, you’re helping feed hungry people!
Here’s a video of this set of pens being made.
Bid away!
If you are an artisan that would like part of The Burly Log to create something through which to raise funds for Outreach meals for the hungry, please contact: rick@outreachprogram.org.